
This is normal?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

How it came down

We got a call from a concerned citizen mid-February about a horrid mess she found out in Ford, Washington in Stevens County.   She called us after she called the Sheriff and was told they might get out there.  We had her call them again during business hours, and ask to have a Deputy make contact with her, which she did, and that started the ball rolling.  If you ever need turn in a situation like this, ask for a call back and get a case or incident report number. 

The next day we phoned the Sheriff and gave him so many contact numbers to help these dogs.   Dan Paul of the HSUS, Nancy Hill from SCRAPS (advisory only) and Dave Richardson from the Spokane Humane Society.  The Sheriff called CVAS instead.  Their director got the small dogs out of there and to the Spokane Humane Society that Friday, and on Saturday a crew of volunteers from Stevens and Spokane and Lincoln Counties emerged on the property.  We found garbage everywhere, dead dogs tethered and frozen to the ground.  They had NOT just recently died; they were skin and bones and appeared to be in a state of decomposition.  For any county official to state that this was new to them, though they had been on the property on a fairly regular basis, does not add up in our opinion.

We saw garbage and filth everywhere, as the occupants threw their garbage on the property, with no septic, no outhouse, no running water or electricity in 2014 in the United States!  Even though it is against the law in Stevens County to let your sewage into the ground, and not have a septic system, it goes unprosectued!

That day, we were able to get four puppies out from under a trailer that was not inhabitable, whose eyes were not open yet, they were that young.  They were under that structure with a dead tethered dog.  What a way to begin life!

The next day we were all back with traps and the work began.  It was cold and wet and the dogs were hungry and scared.  They had been abandoned which is against the law in Washington State! 

Tethering however is not!  Please ask her state representatives and senators to vote to BAN tethering.  These dogs may not have died from starvation, dehydration and hypothermia had they been able to do something to fend for themselves.  The ones that were not tethered, lived.

The rest of the rescue is a blur, with so many off and on the property, caught dogs being taken to the Humane Society, tempers and emotions running high, wondering how this ever could have been allowed to happen anywhere in the US in 2014.

When we moved to Stevens County our Realtor never disclosed the fact that the laws are pretty much non-existent and that the officials here have tended to look the other way when it comes to hoarding, puppy mills, and people living without proper sanitation in Stevens County.  They say they lack funds to enforce those laws.  If these dogs had been children!  Well, that about says it all!

This incident was not an isolated one, it’s the tip of the iceberg in Stevens County, and there is a long history of this type of behavior going under the radar.   This is not a civilized behavior by officials, let alone the citizens and it just baffles our minds that this is allowed today, anywhere.

As the days progressed, with still one dog running loose, and thankfully nobody from John Q Public interfering (which we all appreciate so very much) the plight continues.  One old man, living illegally, who has been feeding this dog to hold her hostage because he has control issues and will not allow volunteers on his land, the Sheriff says it is his right to do so, is controlling the fate of this dog.    The deputy that came had no issues with this man; the ownership of this last dog seems to be in question.  Because of Stevens County adopting the Code of the West.

And the powers that be choosing a loose interpretation of the state laws, as we do not have any animal laws in Stevens County, the challenge grows daily.  It is our job to educate, vote, choose better lives for those whose mental capacities allow them to choose that life, and for the animals that we should be trying to protect.

Some people like living this way, hard to fathom.  The county, the Tri County health department, the Sheriff and Fire Department, the ambulance services, adult protective services MUST STOP TURNING A BLIND EYE!  As well as say, deliverymen.  This insane practice of see no evil hear no evil, turns into doing evil by doing nothing.

It is time to demand services in Stevens County for these helpless animals!

Please keep reading, it is more and more telling as we gather information.